Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Emotional Intelligence: The Ground to Guide the Emotions by Abdullah Al Moinee

Emotional Intelligence: The Ground to Guide the Emotions 
Abdullah Al Moinee 

Emotions are the particular patterns of psychological activities which are derived from the circumstantial chronicles of life. The chronicles are designed to go through many mutations and certain changes. Intelligence is the ability to adapt the changes. The measure of intelligence in the sensible realm of emotions is known as emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) creates the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings, and characterize them appropriately. Emotional Intelligence is the ground to guide the emotional information of thinking and behavior for adapting the environment for enviable existence. 

Emotion is a mental state variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of decision intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation. The original role of emotions is to motivate adaptive behaviors with respect to cognitive changes. The positive or negative experiences regarding the emotional activities needs to be managed by the driving force of intelligence. The emotional intelligence includes the skills: emotional awareness, the ability to respond positive perspective out of negative notion, the efficiency to harness respective emotions for applying them to tasks like thinking and problem solving. These skills can be extracted and adapted by means of unified force of emotional experiences and intuitive intelligence through perpetual practices. The practices will make anyone enable to recognize the right route to drive the essential emotions. 

Emotional intelligence represents a unique intersection of both mind and brain. Our feelings are there to be engaged and expressed with imagination and intelligence for practicing to adapt the skills and strategies for guiding the emotions. Intentional observation is a primary skill to adapt emotional intelligence. People need to observe how they react to others, make a concerted effort to put themselves in others place, and commit to be more open and accept of that particular perspectives. Self-evaluation is the positive catalyst to adopt the emotional intelligence which helps anyone to identify personal problems for getting an honest picture of own self. The picture aids to take responsibilities for actions which includes facing mistakes head-on, apologizing, and try to make the things right. The evaluation let people know how their actions will affect any environment. The work environment and behavior should be organized responsibly on the basis of grace, gratitude, humility, and harmony. The robust responsibility prepares people to examine how they react to stressful situations and work on staying calm, collected, and composed. 

Emotions are data that are actually valuable information that can help people see from a new perspective, find the truth, and make better decisions by the implementation of inborn intelligence. The intelligence impels the intuition to operate any action on trust and recognize, identify, clear up any misunderstandings. Emotions lead to actions and actions lead to results. Emotional intelligence makes people capable of understand the consequences of actions by activating the self-examination process. 

The gradual growth of emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is nurtured by segregating positive and negative emotions perpetually through regular practices. Regulation of thoughts that create the emotions is essential to ensure the healthy growth of a psychological constitution for life. Following the constitution can help to change the perspectives by reducing negative emotions, enhancing adaptability through stepping at the situation objectively. The sensible steps help to know the stressors keenly and being proactive efficiently. It goes without saying that out of the vulnerabilities will come our strengths. Everyone encounters challenges. In these circumstances people need to be positive, think positive, and do positive which help them for adapting to the adversity, making weapon out of wound. The situational learning designs the path of life by being blessed for practicing optimism and sharpening emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can evolve over time. Every situation of life is a prime learning opportunity to cultivate the nutrients of EQ for harvesting the guidance of emotions intelligently. Assertive communication is one of the nutrients of EQ that goes a long way toward gleaning respect without coming across as too passive. Emotionally intelligent people utilize the communication sustaining their own opinions and respecting other simultaneously. Thus they can stay imperturbable during any conflicting situations avoiding the impulsive decisions, making conscious choice to be focused on their assertive actions. 

Life is an art that reflects the sensible realm of emotions through the ways of work. The labyrinth of life can be explored by means of simplicity through the intelligent approach of dealing the emotions with empathy, motivation, self-awareness, and self-management. Empathetic people allow their experiences to create a resonance in order to respond in an emotionally appropriate way. It is the way to connect and navigate through the realm of other’s emotions. Whilst it may not come naturally, it can be nurtured gradually through practice, motivation, and meditation. Self-motivation is the shield of emotionally intelligent people which eventually motivates others. Their goals are set as they are resilient in the face of uncertain and certain challenges. The resilience originates the self-awareness to become intuitive inherently. The active intuition helps people to evaluate emotions around the environment for enhancing communicative and cognitive congruence. The congruent skills are necessary to predict about how any feelings will form through an interaction, consequently the cautious prediction help to take proper decision. The more the prediction will transmute into practice, the more people become emotionally intelligent. People need to maintain a journal of schedules for self-management so that the disciplines can concrete emotional stability out of the procrastinated instability. Self-management always triggers self-motivation for excavating the positive potential from emotional interaction. The positive potential prepares people to glean the great things even staying out of their comfort zone. In such premises, the emotional intelligence inspires them to be patient in exploring the trinity: I, me, and myself. 

Integrity and gratitude are the fueling forces that make anyone emotionally intelligent to inspire others through words, deeds, and examples. The ethics, endeavor, and enthusiasm in dealing with the emotions through perseverance and patience originate the intelligence for visualizing the visions and values. A strong personal philosophy can be originated by meditative motivation to guide the visions for decoding the emotions and manifesting the pathway to drive them intelligently. The philosophy gives birth to an inner compass that acts as the guardian angel of our purposes. The compass works properly only after perceiving the positive and pacific psychology by conceiving the courageous cognition for achieving the sense of motivation. The motivation sustains one’s visions, missions, beliefs, and core values which is originated in the conscious circle of emotions. The core of consciousness aspires people to see the multiple perspectives of a given situation. According to the review published in the journal of Annual Psychology, the practice of guiding the emotion on the ground of intelligence allows people for self-control with self-compassion through acquiring a better understanding of themselves which leads to self-actualization. Author and science journalist Daniel Goleman said “The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain. Mindful meditation has been discovered to foster the ability to inhibit those very quick emotional impulses.” Bridging the gap between mind and brain, believing in the positive aspects of life, the mindful meditation sustains the altruistic attitude where courageous conscience can derive the determination to stimulate the emotions in an intelligent way. 

Mother Language: Sense, Synergy, and Significance by Abdullah Al Moinee

Mother Language: Sense, Synergy, and Significance 
Abdullah Al Moinee 

Sense of human being starts to be structured by the synergic significance of the environment. The inherence of the environment is sustained and nurtured by dint of the mindful manifestation of mother language. Mother language is the root element of life that absorbs the natural nutrients and essential entities from the land of life anchoring the inborn identity to the origin of us with respect to culture, country, and civilization. The language is perceived and conceived by a child through the pristine premise of meticulous mind. The robust root of life sustains the efficacy to make the mind sensing the strength and synergy of mother language as the natural communication. Every human being is blessed to be given birth by the woman of worth who is our mother. The connection between mother and offspring are innate and intuitive to formulate and design the source of synergy through the natural communication. The synergy drives the inherent interactions, fervent functions, and reflective reasonings resonating the coherent importance & momentous significance of mother language for leading the life of human being. 

Mother language is the core code to represent the existence of a country in this world. A nation is glorified by the significance of the mother language that triggers the patriotism flowing through the root of culture. History reflects the value and vigor of mother language through the determination, dedication, and devotion of the people of Bangladesh who sacrificed their lives on 21 February 1952, defending Bangla for themselves and future generation. The momentum of the movement was tremendous enough that derived the driving force for the people to glean the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Sensing the synergic significance of mother language and reflecting the glory, UNESCO decided to observe 21 February as International Mother Language Day on 17 November 1999 all around the world. 

The mother language navigates the notion of personal, social, and cultural identity. The impetus of mother tongue brings about the reflections for designing the value and vigor of emotional intelligence. The emotion gets shaped by dint of the elements of environment from where anyone gleans the art of aptitudes with logical understanding. The aptitudes are aided by the natural navigation through the family, society, and country. The emotional essence of Bangladeshi people catalyzed the language movement gleaning an independent, sovereign country. The essence engendered the stimulus originating the universal unity, courageous congruence, and ubiquitous upstanding towards the shore of valiant victory. The emotional aspects of human being are bolstered by the mother language to be formed firmly exchanging the vivacious vibe of communication utilizing the sense of originality and relations among the relatives. Besides, the cultural and traditional heritage harvest the harmony of a country through the mother language to reach all the people properly by the integral exchange of emotion and intuition. 

Mother language gives birth to the spirit of communication to extract the best out of any interaction and conversation. No other language can make the spirit alive in such a way for a person to converse coherently creating a connection to the mother words. Of all languages, mother language is the easiest to adopt and apply by instinctive interactions e.g. learning, teaching, reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Research shows that the intellectual development proactively goes onward by the fuel given by mother language. The fuel is pure in efficacy for utilizing the invigorated potential of the children to listen, believe, read, learn, express, and speak spontaneously. Researchers say that a firm foundation on mother language corroborates anyone to have much better clarity and understanding of any curriculum growing a more positive attitude towards the acquisition of knowledge. 

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (1929) states that the structure of a language determines a native speaker's perception and categorization of experience. The hypothesis of linguistic relativity holds that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition. A set of essential skills are being espoused by the children from the inception of the development of mother language at the very early stage of life. Parents are the direct source for developing the paramount for comprehensive communication and cognitive consciousness. The source is bridged and catalyzed by their lucid form of language. The skills, inferences, and insights are extracted from the inherent infrastructure of spontaneity. Spontaneous strategies excavate the ecstatic enthusiasm which creates the gradual growth of grandeur for learning from life. Any art of human life becomes ardor in aptitude and amplitude by the exuberance of enthusiasm. Mother language sustains the enthusiasm of ease and excel without any conscious constraint which brings about a sense of self-worth and courageous confidence to drive the journey by life. 

Language determines and affects the tenacity of thoughts. If our children are not educated in their mother language, thousands of natural thoughts processes might be molded abruptly, which may be capable of coming out as quiescent qualities. There are psychological perspectives, cultural congruences, emotional essences, and philosophical perceptions that can only be conveyed and expressed in a mother language. Mother language can reach all the people attend in any conference, conversation, or convention that always results in a positive and greater output bridging the linguistic gap and emotional disconnection. Grandparents, parents, and siblings are more likely to contribute in the learning and teaching structure of the children when the processes are based on mother language. It has been shown that teaching in mother language gives better understanding in any subject than that of other languages. It goes without saying that one needs to learn multiple languages for the urge of globalization. In this case, mother language designs the firm foundation to learn and lead. Mother language gives the strength to the inborn skills to transfer different structures comparing a language with another for personal development. Language scientists have researched and revealed that people who have primarily started their learning in their mother language, seem to have a better ability to learn other languages than those who start learning a foreign language steering clear of mother tongue. They generally glean good language strengths and skills in future life of learning, teaching, and creative innovation. 

Mother language contributes to the development of brain and mental ability through the cognitive communication and connection. Research of Institute of Learning & Brain Science, University of Washington, has showed that babies begin to absorb language when they are inside the womb during the last 10 weeks. “The mother's voice can be heard because it is amplified by her body,” Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl says. Dr. Kuhl and her research team have also showed that infants respond quicker to mother tongue than to a foreign tongue. Children with a strong foundation in their first language often display a deeper understanding of the existence within the world conceiving a confident sense of strengths. The sense wave propagates into every step of their lives, including emotional connection and educational erudition. 

Perceiving the pivotal potential and profound impact of mother language, litterateur Arif Moinuddin says, “To disdain, disvalue, and disregard mother language are enough to accelerate the gradual extinction of a nation.” Developed countries of the world emphasize on the regular practice of mother language to sustain and preserve their oasis of origin, vital values, academic aspects, emotional empathy, cultural consciousness, traditional transparency, inborn identity, and numen of nation. The language experts urge that the foreign language should be taught as a subject only for international communication, higher education, and globalization. They accentuate to utilize the language as the medium of instructions for the native people. Nobel Peace Prize (1993) laureate Nelson Mandela says, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head but you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Universally, mother language designs the sense of soul creating a fervent frequency and symbiotic synergy that bring about a shrining significance in the life of human being.

Human Mind: An Inborn Mystery by Abdullah Al Moinee

Human Mind: An Inborn Mystery 
Abdullah Al Moinee 

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to know which opens the threshold of curiosities in the vastness of the universe . Human mind is such a kingdom where all of the knowledge and imagination - everything that human thinks , feels & senses - comes through along with the participation of the human brain. The NSF (National Science Foundation) estimates that a human brain produces as many as 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day, depending on how deep a thinker a person is. Every thought we've ever had, is produced by the human brain inherently escorted by human mind. The mind is usually defined as the synchronized system of all psychological processes or psychic activities of an individual. Many philosophers hold that the brain is a detector of the mind and that the mind is an inner, subjective state of consciousness. 

The term “mind” is derived from the Old English gemynd, or “memory,” and the Proto-Indo-European verbal root *men-, meaning “to think, remember.” The use of “mind” to refer to all mental faculties, thought, feelings, memory, and volition developed gradually over the 14th and 15th centuries. Attempts to understand the mystery of mind are to go back at least to the ancient Greeks. Plato believed that the mind acquired knowledge through virtue, independently of sense experience. Descartes and Leibniz also believed the mind gained knowledge through thinking and reasoning—or, in other words, rationalism. In contrast to rationalists, empiricists, such as Aristotle, John Locke, and David Hume, believe that the mind gains knowledge from experience. Combining both rationalism and empiricism, Kant argued that human knowledge depends on both sense experience and innate capacities of the mind. 

There have been three major schools of thought that describe the relationship of the brain and the mind. Dualism holds that the mind exists independently from the brain. Materialism argues that the mind is identical to the physical processes of the brain. Idealism posits that only mental phenomena exist. The conscious mind includes sensations, perceptions, memories, feelings, and fantasies inside of our current awareness. The preconscious mind includes those thoughts that we are thinking at the moment but can easily draw into our conscious mind. The subconscious mind is the psychic activity that operates below the level of awareness. 

Imagination is the activity of generating or evoking novel situations, images, ideas or other qualia in the mind. It is a characteristically subjective activity, rather than a direct or passive experience. The term is technically used in psychology for the process of reviving in the mind percepts of objects formerly given in sense perception. Consciousness is an aspect of the mind generally thought to comprise qualities such as subjectivity, sentience, and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment. It is a subject of much research in philosophy of mind, psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. Some philosophers divide consciousness into phenomenal consciousness, which is the subjective experience itself, and access consciousness, which refers to the global availability of information to processing systems in the brain. 

When the mind recalls a memory, it’s not the original memory. In fact, the act of remembering is an act of creative reimagination. The put-together memory doesn’t just have a few holes; it also has some entirely new bits pasted in. The mind’s power of expectation can blind people to facts and lure them into unwitting conjecture in virtually every way they perceive the world. For example, testers in a study responded differently to an odor that they sniffed out of a test tube depending on whether they were told that it was fancy cheese or human waste. Short-term memory is linked to the current electrical activity taking place in a person’s neurons, or the pattern of signal transmission that goes through the brain. Long-term memory, however, depends on permanent physical changes in the brain. The mind stores memories in different ways, although the boundaries are not always clear cut: short-term memory (working memory), long-term memory (declarative memory), and procedural memory (“how-to” memory associated with physical skills such as shoe tying). Procedural memory is remarkably durable and is even able to survive the ravages of diseases like Alzheimer’s. Scientists are unsure how things are forgotten; in other words, they are unsure what makes a person unable to remember even long-term memories. New research shows that people don’t necessarily forget, they simply lose the ability to retrieve older, rarely visited memories. Scientists believe that the mind forgets in order to avoid information overload, to think more quickly, assimilate new information easier, and to avoid emotional hangovers. 

Mind control is the unethical use of manipulative techniques to persuade others to meet to the wishes of the manipulator. It was first recorded during the Korean War. Solomon Shereshevsky was a Russian journalist who couldn’t forget. He suffered from synesthesia, a phenomenon in which one sense stimulates another sense. Solomon’s extreme synesthesia led him to taste, smell, and see vivid images in conjunction with numbers and sounds. Because a single word could trigger a flood of memories and associations, he had a difficult time reading a book or having a simple conversation. One of the crueler mind experiments was conducted by psychologist Harry Harlow who studied severe maternal deprivation. He separated a baby monkey from its mother and raised it in a cage with two substitute mothers. One mother was made from wire and had a bottle. The other mother was made from cloth but didn’t have a bottle. As soon as the infant finished nursing, it would cling to the cloth monkey. When the experimenters introduced a frightening stimulus into the cage, the monkeys ran to the cloth monkey for protection. The monkeys grew up with severe emotional and behavioral problems. The Stanford Prison Experiment is an infamous experiment that took average people and randomly assigned them to be either guards or prisoners. After a few days, the prisoners and guards became grossly absorbed in their roles. The experiment revealed how readily the human mind accepts authority and institutional ideologies. 

There is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind. Every aspect of nature reveals a deep mystery and touches our sense of wonder and so the mind does with its infinite junctures . The deepest insights of doctors, biologists, engineers, nerve scientists, psychologists, even philosophers are functioning to conquer the human mind in all phases . The conquest of the human mind is going to be not only a one small step for man but also one giant leap for mankind in the forthcoming days which will aspire us to be inspired to have the ample cognition over mind to have victory over mysteries.

Human Brain: The Inborn Infinity by Abdullah Al Moinee

Human Brain: The Inborn Infinity 
Abdullah Al Moinee

Infinity is an inborn phenomenon which is a prerequisite of any knowledge All of the knowledge and imagination - everything that human thinks , feels & senses - comes through the human brain .Every thought we've ever had, is produced by the human brain. But exactly how it operates remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries, Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to know which opens the threshold of curiosities in the vastness of the universe . Human brain is the most complicated and mysterious thing in the universe. Scientists know more about stars exploding billions of light years away than they know about the brain. Experts estimate that in a lifetime, a human brain may retain one quadrillion (1015) separate bits of information.

The human brain consists of approximately 100 billion neurons (which is as many cells as there are stars in the Milky Way). Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If all the neurons in the human brain were lined up, they would stretch 600 miles. Neurons combine so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes . The average number of thoughts that humans are believed to experience each day is 70,000. Starting from within the womb, fetal brain development begins the vivacious voyage that leads to a well-developed brain at birth that continues to grow for 18 more years . Neurons develop at the rate of 250,000 neurons per minute during early pregnancy . A newborn baby’s brain grows about three times its size in the first year. The first sense to develop while in utero is the sense of touch .

Aristotle believed that the center of thought was the heart and that the brain’s function was merely to cool the heart.An early Greek physician, Alcmaeon of Croton was the first to claim that the brain, not the heart, is the central organ of sensation and thought. The human brain is the main organ of the human central nervous system. It is located in the head, protected by the skull. It has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but with a more developed cerebral cortex . Much of the size of the human brain comes from the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The newest part of the cerebral cortex in terms of evolution is the neocortex (“new bark”), which scientists believe is responsible for the development of human intelligence .

The surface area of the human brain is about 1,500-3,000 A human brain is 75% water and has the consistency of tofu or gelatin. A human adult brain weighs about 3.5 pounds, slightly less than a large bag of flour. The sperm whale has the largest brain of all animals, weighing up to 20 pounds. An elephant’s brain weighs 11 pounds, while a mouse’s weighs only a few ounces. Contrary to the popular belief that humans use just 10% of their brain capacity, humans actually use virtually every part of the brain, and most of the brain is active all the time.

There are more than 100,000 chemical reactions happening in the human brain every second. The human brain can process information as fast as 268 miles/hr. The human brain has around 100,000 miles of blood vessels. Brain uses 20% of the total oxygen in human body. As with oxygen, brain uses 20% of the blood circulating in body. Yawning is the body’s way of cooling down an overheated brain. In addition, when brain does not receive the appropriate amount of oxygen, the yawn is said to provide the remaining amount of oxygen to the brain. Anoxic brain damage is brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen supply. Without oxygen, brain cells will start to die after four to six minutes . The human brain consists of 60% fat, making it one of the fattiest organs in the body . There are two types of tissues in a human brain—white matter (60%) and gray matter (40%).Transmission of signals in the brain is carried out by both of these matters. 

On an ongoing basis, even during sleep, electrical signals are constantly flashing over the brain detected and measured by an encephalograph. While awake, a human brain can generate enough energy to power a light bulb (between 10-23 watts). A brain produces almost enough energy to light a bulb. On average, a brain produces up to 30 – 35 watts at the time of awakening. The main source of the most energy hungry organ is glucose. 

Humans grow faster at night than they do during the day because a small part of the brain, the pituitary gland, releases a growth hormone at night while a person sleeps. Studies show that brain waves are more active while dreaming than when we are awake. While we sleep, our body produces a hormone that may prevent us from acting out our dreams, leaving us virtually paralyze . Caffeine works to block naturally occurring adenosine in the body, creating alertness. Scientists have recently discovered this connection and learned that doing the opposite–boosting adenosine–can actually help promote more natural sleep patterns and help eliminate insomnia. 

Harvard maintains a Brain Bank where over 7,000 human brains are store for research purposes. Albert Einstein’s brain was removed within seven hours of his death by Princeton pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey. Harvey sectioned the preserved brain into 240 blocks and removed the eyes and gave them away. He kept pieces of the brain for himself and gave other pieces to other prominent pathologists. He was fired from Princeton Hospital because he refused to return the brain. While Einstein’s brain weighed 1,230 grams, which is within normal human range, the brain had no parietal operculum in either hemisphere and had an enlarged Sylvan fissure. Certain parts of his brain also had more glial cells in relation to neurons. 

Human brain is shaped by nature to be drawn toward aspects of nature that enhance our survival . . Every aspect of nature reveals a deep mystery and touches our sense of wonder and so the brain does with its infinite junctures . The human brain now holds the key to our future. By 2020, most home computers will have the computing power of a human brain. That doesn't mean that they are brains, but it means that in terms of raw processing, they can process bits as fast as a brain can inbornly . A single human brain has about a hundred million nerve cells and a computer program that throws light on the brain problem will have to incorporate the deepest insights of biologists, nerve scientists, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, social scientists, and even philosophers. The conquest of the human brain is going to be not only a one small step for man but also one giant leap for mankind.